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« My no-trash office » : a collective challenge week across Keran

Défi bureau sans poubelle

On World Recycling Day, which takes place every year on March 18, Keran launched its "no trash" office challenge. The concept? In each of our offices across France, our employees have had their individual office bins removed, and replaced by shared areas for deposit and sorting of waste.

This initiative, in line with many actions implemented in Keran, was initiated and driven by a group of employees. They worked together for several weeks to come up with a concept that would contribute to improve our environment through simple everyday actions. After a initial session to assess our waste, it was obvious that several mistakes were still being made when it came to recycling: 70% of our blue trash bags contained waste that could be recycled and 20% of the contents of the yellow bags were poorly separated.

According to Camille Berland, project engineer at Sce, and member of the committee that led the operation: "There are many benefits to this approach, including to:

- become aware of the amount of waste produced individually;

- encourage recycling and remind people of good habits;

- facilitate the work of cleaning staff;

- reduce inactivity in the office by walking more..." 

We hope that the operation will continue in the future and that everyone will succeed in adopting the right habits to contribute to a cleaner company, individually and collectively!!




Elodie Blondy s'engage dans un mécénat de compétences pour Picojoule 🌱

Elodie Blondy s'engage dans un mécénat de compétences pour Picojoule


Le "CO" : facteur de réussite de nos projets



Rencontre avec les équipes du Comité d'Impact Keran - Deuxième épisode : la Cellule Numérique responsable

Rencontre avec les équipes du Comité d'Impact Keran - Deuxième épisode : la Cellule Numérique responsable


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Keran adhère à la Charte de l'Ingénierie pour le Cimat et la Biodiversité lors de Meer'Ingé !


Charte mobilité : Se déplacer en France Métropolitaine

Charte mobilité : Sé déplacer en France Métropolitaine


Charte mobilité : Se déplacer à moins de 5 km pour ses rendez-vous professionnels

Charte mobilité Keran, les déplacements professionnels de moins de 5 kilomètres