KERAN unites its employees around a corporate culture focused on people and strong values, which are essential forguarantees our group's sustainable development.
The talents of our employees are our greatest asset and we are committed to ensuring that each of one them can develop his or her skills and career path.
Simona Logreco joined Groupe Huit in 2019 after completing her studies in urban governance and European-African studies at Sciences Po Paris. She is currently working on urban planning projects (Kisumu) and on the diagnostic and institutional aspects of urban studies (Niger, Burkina Faso). She has specific knowledge of market facility projects and urban food systems.
I develop
different modules for the OMEGA application of Keran group and I make the
application evolve with the addition of new features to meet the needs of the
Our tasks are
not repetitive and we are always learning new things, as we can't know everything,
we have to constantly research the latest evolutions of our languages, frameworksand tools.
"Holder of a master's degree in biological oceanology from the University of Lille, I specialized in benthic ecology and the food web at the Wimereux Marine Station and West Agrocampus.
I worked in the Cellule de Suivi du Littoral Normand (Normandy Coastal Monitoring Unit), as a technician and then as an engineer. The opportunity of a lifetime brought me to Terre Adélie, to the Dumont d'Urville base for wintering in Antarctica as a marine biologist. I joined CREOCEAN in June 2013 as a responible of studies. Our whole local team is interested in Hauts-de-France and Normandy projects but also by projects in Brest, Hossegor, Port-La Nouvelle, Corsica and Guiana ! At the beginning of 2020, I became the coordinator of the HSE unit: Safety, Health and Environment! "
Having graduated from the Engineering School of the City of Paris and after several years of experience in civil engineering for underground structures, I discovered SCE by chance when looking to move on from Paris for family reasons. I joined a dynamic and dedicated team with a strong focus on environmental protection.
My professional background has allowed me to find my place, integrating technical flood protection tasks with the protection of sensitive environments. I am involved in providing expertise nationwide and I also coordinate SCE teams on topics related to rivers and public policy on the environment.
After a first year discovering the railway sector during my sandwich course, I joined SCE after graduating as an engineer.
What I immediately liked was the diverse range of projects and expertise that you find at the company !
Multi-faceted projects mean that we are learning on a daily basis and finding solutions to effectively coordinate all the different expertise.
I especially appreciate the drive of our company, which is constantly adapting to new urban challenges and to client needs.
Florence Verdet has been working at Groupe Huit for the past 20 years, in urban planning, urban development and urban management. She has led or contributed to several studies on urban policy and planning and the associated identification of Priority Investment Programmes, definition of institutional and financial packages, and capacity building programmes. She has also conducted several feasibility studies for multi-component urban projects.
Ghislain brings both his technical expertise to urban and landscape designers and his sound understanding of contract monitoring during the construction phase. Green is his passion, the Public Procurement Regulation (Loi MOP) his bible and dialogue his motto!
I develop geographic information
system solutions by accompanying the client from a technical point of view.
What motivates me in my work is:
My missions
are divided between the day-to-day management of NAOMIS (team management,
financial follow-up, HR, etc.), commercial missions and operational
mobilization of advice and assistance on projects, completed by some
solicitations for KERAN on digital approaches and tools, on the group's
governance bodies.
I appreciate
the diversity of the missions (governance, management, technical), the
permanent challenges to be taken up, the absence of routine. I like to bring
pragmatic, innovative and adapted solutions to the business thanks to
digital technology in its dimensions of culture, methods and tools, and more
globally to understand and live the impact of digital technology in society in
I mainly work
on projects around data exploitation: organization and sharing of data,
analysis solutions, data visualization, dashboards ...
I like to
support the expression of business needs and design simple solutions so that
users can easily access the information they require. I am very happy
to be working at NAOMIS on the problems of the environment and planning. It is
also very important for me to work in a team, to understand the skills and
talents in order to progress collectively.
"My basic training is Marine Engineering, studied at the SeaTech engineering school in Toulon, which I completed with a master's degree in marine ecology in order to understand the sustainable management and protection of the marine environment.
My role is to coordinate projects related to the marine, coastal and port environment in the South-West zone in France. I have to provide project leaders with CREOCEAN services to meet their needs ; I participate in expertise studies, project management missions or data acquisition campaigns.
Based at the South-West agency, I represent the company in the various professional networks in order to bring out new synergies with players in the Aquitaine region."
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